As many of you know, since the inception of Atomic Threads, we've been a home for local artists, designers, and craftspersons to sell their wares to the public. We've always wanted to use our platform to promote others in our community, and Atomic Threads Boutique offers a unique sales opportunity for artists, jewelry designers, sewists, crocheters, embroiderers, woodworkers, painters, and more who might not otherwise have a brick-and-mortar location to sell their wares.
With our move to the Boulevard Building, we have more space to bring in more wares from local artists. Due to increased interest from artists wishing to sell at Atomic Threads Boutique, we have developed an application process for new vendors to display their products on our sales floor. This is to ensure that we have a wide variety of products to offer our customers, to reduce competition for our vendors for the same kinds of products, and to make sure that products will be a good fit for our clientele before vendors bring items to the Boutique.
If you are an artist or other maker who would like to sell you products at Atomic Threads Boutique, we encourage you to fill out the application form! We are so looking forward to seeing what you got!
Fill out the form linked at the button above. It will tell us who you are as an artist, your business name, and the type and kinds of art and/or jewelry or accessories that you create. Some pictures of your art or other products are required so we can assess if your products would be a good fit for Atomic Threads Boutique
Wait for us to respond to your inquiry. We usually get back to applicants within a few days to a week.
If we decide to bring in your products, you'll need to provide us with the following:
A completed W-9 form for tax purposes
A completed bank information form so we can pay you (we can also arrange to pay you by check)
Itemized inventory sheet (digital is best) that includes:
A description of each item that includes variations, if applicable. Number each item as you go. SEE AN EXAMPLE
A clear picture of each item on a simple background. VERY IMPORTANT: You MUST name your images to correspond to the number of each item in your item description. This saves us time and effort to clarify which item is which when we input them into our database and web site. For example, if you are selling blue crystal earrings, and you list the blue crystal earrings as item number 4 on your inventory list, the corresponding image of the blue crystal earrings should be named 004.jpg or 4.jpg or 04.jpg or some variation thereof. Your items WILL NOT be put out for sale in our shop or online if this step is missing or is done incorrectly. You may send multiple images of each item for use on our web site, but they MUST be named with the item number as in your description list and then with an additional number to denote that it is an additional image of an item; for example, 004-02.jpg; 4-3.jpg; 04-05.jpg, etc. SEE AN EXAMPLE
The price of each item
The quantity of each item that you are bringing in
A vendor bio with information about you or your business or both, including any links to web sites, social media profiles, link trees, etc.
A logo image or artist graphic to use for promotional purposes
At least 3 product display images to be used for promotional purposes, to show customers your style and vibe. SEE AN EXAMPLE
If your products are chosen to be sold in Atomic Threads Boutique, they will stay on display for 90 days, at which time we will decide to have you bring in more items or close out your display. If your items sell out before the 90 days are up, we may contact you to either bring in more items to sell. Payouts are done on the 15th of the month via direct deposit or by check upon arrangement.
Please note that there is a 35% consignment fee that is deducted from your sales each month. You may price your items accordingly to compensate for this fee so you get the amount you need to from each item.
When you bring your items in to stock the first time, we will have a paper contract for you to sign that outlines these terms.